Women are not meant to struggle. Let’s break the silence. Now.

All of us at rora have someone in our lives we are fighting for: ourselves, our mothers, our grandmothers, our family, our friends. We found each other in graduate school grounded in a common mission: to fight for better outcomes in women’s health by de-stigmatizing every phase of a woman’s life. We are committed to bettering women’s health at every stage. We strive to create innovative products that are effective and empowering. We will always put the needs of our customers first.

Our team is extremely passionate about creating better solutions for women that enable them to live their most fulfilled lives.

We developed rora with the following core principles: remaining women-centered, de-stigmatizing taboos, and creating an uplifting and trustworthy community.

Our mission is to create a lasting impact on women’s experiences as they go through life’s changes. Every woman deserves to feel empowered, heard, seen, and fulfilled - at every phase of life.